Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Critique #1

I normaly have a strong concept in my pieces. I feel like Surrealism is the style with no limits. I look at the world in a different light so my imagination takes over and has a lot to do with my art work.

Holding Darkness
It's ink and brush. Still needs a little more planing to fill space but the whole Concept is that everyone has the power to do both evil and good.

I haven't titled this yet but it's going to be all in acrylic paint. The concept behind this basically is pollution caused by humanity is slowly killing Gaia (Mother Earth). Gaia gave life to humanity and nurtures humanity. The Death of Gaia in turn causes the Death of all humanity

This piece is the closest to being finished. I have just a little work to do. It is untitled as well for the moment. It's a drawing and it's supposed to show multiple personality disorder. What missing is the cause. Most cases of M.P.D are caused by a sudden traumatic event which in turn the Brain to protect the exciting personality actually creates a new personality that takes on the memory of the traumatic event. It can result in not just 1 extra but many different personalities.

This is just a rose in ink and brush i did to work a little bit with the median because I haven't touched it in a few months.  

Saturday, February 2, 2013

This is the new piece I'm working on . I'm going to use acrylic. Right now I'm sketching it out ont he canvas and working out all the details little better

I'm just me

I'm from Neosho, Mo where I graduated in 2010 and then went on the attend Crowder Collage where I've graduated from with a Art & Design degree. Now I've found myself here at PSU. All last semester I just finished up all my 3D requirements for my degree and now I want to go back to my roots. I've always been a 2D artist so the idea is to furter improve my painting techinque in both acrylic and Ink. I'd also like to work on full finished drawing because it's been a few years since I've done so. This is some of my own work.

 Johnny Cash
Ink & Brush
 Master recreation
Van Gogh's The Drinkers
 The Puppeteer
Ink & Brush
 Turtle in the Park
 To Give 1's Heart
Stuffed glove covered with melted plastic party cups
Heart is shards of glass super glued together and filled with super glue